i have had some moments with this boy.
embarrassing, oh-my-gosh oh-my-gosh i-can't-believe-i-just-did-that, moments.
amazingly, he still thinks i'm great or something.
1. at the beginning of our dating escapade i meant to send a text, about him, to ali. only, i sent it to him. oy vei.
it was something to the effect of "i just found out something about mr. k and now i can't date him"
*which, for the record, turned out to be a big fat lie.
i gasped and bent over, nearly hyperventilating. this was bad. this was soooo bad!
immediately i sent "just kidding!"
he was not fooled. there was no un-sinking the titanic after that iceberg so the next day, and several texts later, i mustered my courage and marched {actually slithered} up to him. I said my piece, he said his, and somehow we got things figured out. then he sent me flowers because he's sweet.
2. i've known mr. k for two years. that should be enough time to know how to spell someone's name, right?
the night before this embarrassment, he carried me like a sack of potatoes and set me on the trunk of mcsteamy {my newly washed car, thanks to him}. i fumbled around with my words, not knowing how to have the dtr but knowing i wanted whatever we were doing to be more than just casual dating. mr. k just patiently smiled.
"at what point do we transition? to boyfriend/girlfriend, i mean. it's been so long since i've done this..."
"when you're ready, i'm there"
*melt my heart a little? yeah.
so the next day, despite being exceptionally tired, i wanted to be a top-notch girlfriend, especially after all mr. k had done for me.
i wrote him a card.
inside i signed "your secret admirer", put in on the windshield of his truck, and was so proud of myself. i still had girlfriend skills. booyah.
a few hours later mr. k texted me: "you have some competition! i have a secret admirer :) she doesn't know how to spell my name, but she is sweet".
face. palm.
of course mr. k put the picture on facebook. his brother commented, "if a girl knows you're yummy she at least knows how to spell your first name"
right you are kent, right you are.
i was just tired?
i played it off that i meant to misspell it, so i could put "unbelievable" on it. mr. k didn't buy it, but he still liked the gesture and still teases me about it.
man i'm a dufuss sometimes.
3. it was in the middle of our lovely day at lagoon.
while the kiddies were enjoying the boat ride {again} i leaned against mr. k on a nearby bench. suddenly i saw a familiar face! i jumped up with excitement and hugged my friend jody, who i had not seen in years. we animatedly conversed until my sister bounded over to join the conversation. abruptly i realized how rude i was being by not introducing jody to mr. k and my cousin. i turned and said,
"this is my friend... i mean... boyfriend"
it was the first time i had introduced him to anyone as "my boyfriend" and i simply froze.
afterwards he mercilessly teased me, since we were just "friends". with his quick wit he mentioned to me later, "if you hadn't of corrected yourself i would have said, 'hi i'm kortney her friend/love monkey'"
'love monkey' stuck.
so there you have it folks-- the three potentially worst things you could do-- send the wrong text, misspell your boyfriend's name, and introduce him as your 'friend'. i am doing well so far. i hope i don't keep making a fool of myself. even if i do, i have a feeling he'll stick around.