Tuesday, July 19, 2011

hooligans unite

it's been a good two months since i've been on a legit date-- asked out days in advance, the boy paying, a plan of some-sort... and it was disastrous. remember?

not to say that boys have not been chivalrous and picked up the tab and all that jazz, or taken me on a group-date to the real salt lake game when their girlfriend was in disneyland... that's all gone down. 

but just what should happen the week of huntman's homecoming? i get legit asked out, 3 times. twice in one day, even...what is the DEAL?

i find it comical, really. where have all these hooligans been? living under a stupid rock or something. that's where.

i pray i make it through this weekend unscathed-- from a fiiiiiiirst date with boy#1's FAMILY at the motab concert {believe me, i've tried to concoct a graceful way to say no after saying yes, but nothing graceful exists} and a semi-date with boy#2's grandparents, to live to see huntman before i spontaneously combust from nervous excitement.
wish me luck! 

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