Wednesday, September 14, 2011

spice up your life

at the moment my days feel so... so.... routine. boring? maybe. maybe not.  i do enjoy my september days and the people that fill them, but it's practically like clock work-- monday, thursday, wednesday, friday, tuesday... who knows what day it is? they all blend together like episodes of saved by the bell.

a smidgen of breakfast then off to work. a break for tacos or a sandwich before resuming more constructive creativity. drive home and let my body fold into the couch before studying {gre}. talk to huntman for too short a time, then make a mess in the kitchen and perhaps read more, alternated with a little blog stalking for good measure. then, then sigh and sink my clean-face into soft sheets before drifting into dreams. all to begin the cycle again in a few hours time.
i suppose saturday is my form of sanity, with errands and nail-painting, with sundays recharging my soul as they keep me scrambling in a sabbath-observance sort-of-way.

come monday morning, my alarm sounds and i stretch into another week that passes without adventure.

i want some adventure to come along. but the thing about adventure is, you usually have to go find it or make your own. where has the time gone to build forts and slip into disney songs in the kitchen? it is too simple to become boring, to fall into pace with monotonous schedules and loose your desire to explore life.  however, i refuse to become a victim of dullness. when you succumb to being a flat dimension of yourself you loose the childish curiosity and innocence of wonder, the invincibility to dare and dream.

which thought i repudiate.

i want to do something unexpected, out of the blue, and perhaps crazy.  i haven't the foggiest idea what exactly, but it'll come. with a little time i will break out of my schedule into adventure.

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