Tuesday, August 16, 2011


before his mission, i always knew the huntman was leaving-- that there would be a great interruption to our time together. and so, i held his hand tightly and savored every moment of our teenage dream together.

that long and terrible interruption passed-- miraculously and gratefully, the clock ticked away 2 years.

vaguely surveying the two year interruption in my current state, it almost seems simple and quick, like a slight jolt of time apart. but this weekend as i held huntman's hand and he held my heart, i marveled how i ever survived without my favorite boy next to me. 

joyfully there will be no more interruptions, but we do have a great many intermissions ahead. that's the package deal of long-distance.

 the great thing about an intermission is it's momentary. temporary. filled with popcorn and laughing, phone calls and a happiness sitting in silence.
300 miles can easily be bridged with a plane ticket. but for now, on this indefinite intermission from glorious weekend to glorious weekend, i'll get by with the sound of his voice and old pictures. 
and some buttery popcorn, for good measure. 

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