Monday, August 22, 2011

it takes so much more

i find myself discovering, little by little, new gradations of happiness, of confidence, of purpose. nuances to some, and quite possibly invisible to most, i feel a grandiose change within me-- changes echoing back to being in a real-live adult relationship and the gushy love that comes along with that. 

perhaps it is because the actual fear of being left is vanishing rather than huntman. perhaps it is because i feel grown-up. perhaps because for the first time in a long time, i know that everything will turn out as it should, whatever that may be. 

"{relationships aren't} takes so much more than puppy love or chemistry or even the deepest of friendship to make it work." 
my wise blog friend natthefatrat {whom i don't actually know, but who's baby pictures i stalk} observed this.  right you are, nat.  

it takes much more. it's dedication and commitment to work things out until they are right-- even when it's hard. especially when it is hard. it's trust and hope in the other person. it's vulnerability and strength and courage and meekness. 

i like to think she would agree with me in saying that at the end of the day, when that same person is who you want to talk and laugh and sit in silence with, everything else is worth it. 

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