Monday, December 3, 2012

the weepy willow gene

this is probably going to be embarrassing {for me} but it's too entertaining to keep to myself.

i have been a loon lately. i blame the birth control. the hormones are leveling out and i breathe in that old self of mine, but i have had some moments
and no, i can assure you i am not on birth control for the typical reason of
preventing a child
so hold your horses
por favor.

before we begin chatting about the all the estrogen though, take a gander at this snap-shot:
i did not find these fuzzy bears reassuring on my visit to the gynecologist...
but while awkward as awkward can be, those little bears gave me a good chuckle while i was hanging out in a sterile muu-muu.

i love that quote. oh geoge. however, i would like to ammend mr. carlin's quote--
"the main reason woman are crazy is that 
men are stupid. 
and estrogen"

birth control has been a roller coaster and a half-- the first few days i was drunk on hormones, being so affectionate and giggly i could have passed as a twelve year old. soon the grumpiness overpowered my giddy disposition and with the slightest provocation i snapped like a crocodile. a few days later the dam of my tear-ducts broke, unleashing the unstoppable tears over absolutely nothing. and then i felt fine.  

it was a rough first week.
like i said, the hormones have leveled out over the past two months. hallelujah! i'm more at an even-kiln, a moderate disposition. however, one thing has been changed forever:

i have become my mother. 

growing up we called my mom the "weepy willow"-- she cred in hallmark commercials, the primary program, books, and films. once we could spell our names correctly holidays turned into a game between the siblings-- if we got momma to cry with a card or present we congratulated each other with high-fives and cheers. we teased her relentlessly for her leaky tear-ducts. she kept her box of kleenex nearby and shook her finger at us, saying "laugh all you want but one day this will be you!"

her dreadful premonition has been fulfilled. i believe the estrogen was a catalyst but the "weepy willow gene" has been passed on-- to me. i am a weepy willow!  

i cried in "the amazing spiderman". who does that?
i cried in "007" {skyfall}. nothing gets me like a grown-man crying.
i nearly cried in "breaking dawn pt. 2". three times, because it was surprisingly tender.  
i watched "the holiday" and was holding back the tears {unlike jude law} 
because everyone was happy

when i see babies and puppies my heart feels gooey and i literally blink away the tears. 
mr. k showed me something he had saved-- a note i had given him back in february-- and i got choked up.

i did not use to be like this! what is happening to me??
estrogen. that's what.

unfortunately, my sensitivity level is through the roof not only about puppies but silly inconsequential things. my poor, patient, and extremely understanding mr. k... he's ridden this roller coaster along with me and calmed down more than a few meltdowns.

on the phone with my mom she asked, "which is worse, cramps or craziness?"
and while no man will ever understand this, i'd take the crazy and "weepy willow gene" over cramps, any day.

guess i better start stocking up on kleenex.   

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