Wednesday, May 9, 2012

he is

sometimes i wake up and my heart hurts. it's not heartburn or indigestion, it's the occasional dreams of huntman. we talk and things are okay.
i miss that.

once he was my favorite person. now we avoid each other like the plague. it's a terrible irony.
saying goodbye to him on a sunny december day was the worst day of my life. i must have cried oceans.

it's morose to not know where he is, what he's doing.
i saw his sister last week at a wedding and i timidly asked, "is he happy?"

he is.

which strangely gave me joy and heartache, all at once. because my old friend was happy, but he was happy without me. i bit my bottom lip to keep it from trembling, and tears slid down my cheeks as i held on tight to his sister-- the closest thing to the life i thought i would have forever.

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