Sunday, May 6, 2012

the rules to being a gentleman

do you know what i find dashing?
gentlemen in cardigans.

i calculated the amount of cardigans i own-- it's in the twenties.
and since i am so highly obsessed with cardigans, it only seems fitting that i fawn over men wearing cardigans, with a crisp collar and tie peeking through.

i also love a gentlemen-- manners, confidence, and etiquette. a man who was "raised right" {as my mother likes to say} is few and far between these days. what abounds are a great many tool sheds. so when you meet a man who minds his manners and looks after the small things {like helping you put on your own cardigan} it makes you do a double-take. that man, coupled with a fervor for equality of the sexes and respect for your opinion... well, i daresay that man might be perfect.

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