Monday, April 26, 2010


i am a piece of gum.  big bubble-tape bubble gum, spiraled in grape flavoring;  the kind that leaves traces of white chalk on fingers and lips and noses but is nevertheless enjoyed with satisfactory grins and oblivion to the inconspicuousness of powder dusted as evidence.  the kind that captures attention and is inspected while in line at the grocery store; the promise of packaging induces purchasing and subsequent consumption.


i am a stolen piece of gum that wasn't  even savored before being removed effortlessly and stuck being a stupid ear to be forgotten.  you see, i, being the stolen-used-and-forgotten piece of gum glued to a hairy ear is fully aware when a new piece of gum is not only inspected but  purchased, and subsequently savored like a delicacy.  

and while i recognize that i was not ready to be savored in all my glory, that such a commitment to be chewed for lack of flavor or for loss of texture, i was expecting to be purchased, i was expecting more, and i was expecting etiquette rather than cavalier disregard and insensitivity.

i am just a piece of gum.  but with no hint of apology upon the lips that spat me out so quickly when I didn't want to be inserted in the first place... is, frankly... disconcerting and claim enough to retreat with heightened security into my wrapper once again, where no one will be able to pry loose the edges, try as they might.

that will be my only closure.   

i deserve to be savored.
     but today... today i just feel flavorless.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Hmmm I think I know what this is about, and I totally understand. My dear, you are very flavorFULL (the word is really spelled with one L but it seems appropriate to use 2)! Miss you! And you know, you can always use my fallback rule. Just say NO, to dating. haha!