it is not often that the man-smell weakens my knees. i was sure i was going crazy as fogginess clouded my brain with his mere presence. he has a very potent smell-- but it's not axe (thank heavens) and it's not his shampoo. it's him.
so i did some research. ya know, to reclaim my sanity. here's what i found:
*disclaimer-- i don't believe biology explains everything, but it certainly is an interesting idea
"each person has an odor print as unique as their fingerprint. this is influenced by diet, gender, heredity, health, medication, occupation, and mood. odor is a communication system; a statement about who we are... women inherently have a keener sense of smell than men, and their ability to smell peaks at ovulation when olfactory sensitivity increases 1000 fold."
ok. i'm not crazy. my olfactory sensitivity is just on high-alert.
so when you're not lovin the natural smell of your man-- run. because you'll either have crazy babies because your genes are identical, or they're so dissimilar you run the risk of birthing an ostrich.
it is quite difficult to not think of kissing someone when they smell so good {curse you, acqua di gio and fierce cologne!}, but when no cologne is needed and they still make you know you're in for it.
perhaps i should follow ashley judd's lead {someone like you} and request to have my olfactory bulb removed so as to prevent future smell-swooning?
p.s. sorry ali- i know you hate the word "swoon" but i had to use it.