Tuesday, March 23, 2010

silver lining

I have come to the realization that in everything, there is a silver lining.  Little nuggets of happiness in oppression, flakes of gold in the dirt, sunshine peeking through the drizzly sky {oh Utah weather}, $20 in your jeans, a compliment on a day you didn't have time to shower, that email from around the world that makes the rest of the week alright, and realizing the power of God's hand in creating miracles, whether big or small, throughout the day, every single day.

It's impossible to fully convey the numerous insights I have gained in retrospect to potentially the most difficult year to date.  Merely pondering on my countless blessings, including friends, family, roommates, and the current state of my life sheds some glorious light on the impracticality of how everything has slipped into place for a reason, completely unbeknownst and beyond me.  Whether practically reasonable or not, however, I have found that little miracles {"tender mercies" if you will}, occur and I do delight in discovering the slivers of a silver lining daily.
Life is not perfect.  Life is unpredictable and sometimes frightening.  The moment is constantly changing.  But when I forget my worries it overwhelms me how much I have been given, how much I am loved, and how much God directs my path each day when I put my trust in Him.

Sappy? Slightly.  But today I don't care much about being a sap, I am just happy to be me. 


Heather said...

I am happy you are happy to be you cause I love you! And this was beautiful! Can't wait to see you tomorrow night!

Madeline Carrasco said...

Truly Becky I needed that post more than you will ever know! You were my silver lining today and I love you so much!