Thursday, July 15, 2010

dancing down the diving board

i am jumping in. not timidly slinking down the stairs with floaties ensuring my security. jumping. just me. with eyes closed and heart racing.
i'm forgetting the worries of:
what if the water's cold? 
what if my hair turns green?
what if there's a shark in the deep end?

there are far too many what-if's in life...
so i said "yes".
"yes" to who knows what will happen. i'm leaving myself open. {delirious happiness, remember?}
it's not what i expected, not at all what i planned, but... this could be good. whatever comes of it.

he's a charmer. definitely. but beneath his muscles and sly smile, he has a heart of gold. 

the flirting reached the ridiculous level today. he makes me roll my eyes {but in a good way}.

i've got my suit on and i'm dancing down the diving board.

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