Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the debut

here are the nerdy frames of grandeur santa brought me. 
    and the nerdy girl behind the frames of grandeur.

here's a peek at christmas morning:

christmas was super. 

legitimately awesome.

my favorite parts of christmas include:
- reading the christmas story {from the bible} before opening presents in the late afternoon.
- a german pancake brunch.
- holding in my arms a new little baby {my cousin-nephew?}.  i admit, i had a wave of baby-hungriness... but mostly those 7 pounds gave me hope in my future-- that i will have a husband and babies and a great big wealth of happiness.

i am happy, now.
but i do look forward to the special joy of my own newborn baby
{don't fear people-- we're talking 10 years at the rate i'm going}.

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