Tuesday, December 21, 2010

sock-rocking irony

ironyan outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have  been, expected.

the irony of yesterday stirs up a giggle within me.  

because, what else could be more hysterically ironic than a cute boy {we'll call him... pacman) calling you, and inviting you to a movie. and then your momma calling you, approximately 3 minutes later, to inform you that she and the pops are going to a movie.

what movie? you ask...
because it couldn't possibly, ever even conceivably be...

the same movie in the same city in the same theater at the same time.

oh, but it is.

and then pacman calls you, telling you he thinks he just saw your parents in line.

and then pacman texts you where the group is sitting (because you are driving up from lehi) and wouldn't ya know it... it's right in front of your parents. 

...the beautiful irony of life... 
it always ends up making for a good laugh and story.

yesterday was definitely a sock-rocking day:

- my new eye doctor informed me that, NO! you do not have keratoconus, and YES! you can wear soft contact lenses.


- i ordered adorably nerdy glasses from costco. and flirted with the boy there as he stared into my eyes (hey, it's part of his job).
- i ate my first non-little-caeser's pizza in a good 5 months... and it was delicious. thanks pizza hut.
- it was christmas goodie baking day-- we accomplished, in a few short hours, sugar cookies, ginger molasses cookies, angel flake, and 2 different hello-dolly bars.
- my bestie and i saw a movie.
pacman called me. and invited me to a movie. and kindly officially met my parents after the movie {regardless of the high-potentialiality to be awkward}, before walking me to my car and being tall and charming.

good sock-rocking day.
the irony just made it extra rockalicious

1 comment:

Whit said...

What?? That is crazy! HAHA! Oh the irony...