Monday, January 16, 2012


ingrid is my soul sister. as in, musical soulmate. forever and ever, amen.

clearly, i'm obsessed.  i think she is the most honest musician. i love that she does not hide life but writes about the details, embracing every emotion.

her newest cd comes out in one week! january 24th will be a blessed, blessed day. 
i don't recall being this excited for really....anything in my adult life. 

she has had little snippits of each song posted on her facebook and i am already hooked. i know without a shadow of a doubt that i will be listening to her cd "human again" non-stop, for an indefinite amount of time. perhaps until i die of happiness? yes, that sounds lovely.

gosh, i love ingrid.
therefore, my future daughter shall be proclaimed "ingrid _____ {fill in future married last name}". as dear as my future hubster will be to me, there won't be any discussion on this one. he can pick the boy names if he likes.

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