Saturday, January 7, 2012

unlimited french toast and bafflement

i went to kneaders for breakfast with my friend bill. that unlimited french toast is tasty goodness.

the place was absolutely packed. the line wrapped around to the tables and there was not a seat to be seen. except, of course, a nearby table in which we would be crashing the romance of an oblivious couple. we took it because it is nearly impossible to drizzle syrup and cut french toast standing, while balancing a plate in one hand.

the couple sat across from one another, pawing each other's hands while eating their french toast and coyly smiling. they reeked of clique mormonism and awful conversation but we endured his constant jabbering of mission stories {which are only acceptable when actually interesting} and lamenting over which celebrities supposedly were mormon and have since become inactive. my favorite line: "ya know the lead guy from singles ward isn't mormon anymore, right? i totalllly saw that one coming."  no you didn't dude, don't be an idiot to impress your doe-eyed girlfriend.

so bill and i are sitting there, devouring our breakfast in peaceful conversation about books and such when out of left field 'tangled' comes up in their intimate conversation. it's not that we were eavesdropping... we were inches from them so it was hard not to hear.

girl: something to the effect of "the movie tangled is so cute. i love it"
guy: "i refuse to see that movie on moral grounds. it degrades disney's legacy and establishes unrealistic expectations for dating. the girl isn't suppose to find the guy, she is suppose to wait for her to find him"

it was a good thing i was chewing or my jaw would have dropped. seriously??
next thing i knew they were talking about "fast and the furious". so let me get this straight... you won't see "tangled" on moral grounds but you'll watch skanky girls throw themselves at car-driving maniacs?

the thing that kills me is the girl didn't even say anything! she didn't stand up for the movie or herself. he walked all over her like a doormat and completely dominated the entire conversation. this is why i need to leave provo-- escape the stereotypical and horrific byu boy who thinks girls are not capable of assertion and should be weak and submissive, like unto his grandmother of the 1950's.

i clearly derive my spunk and tiny hands from my great-grandma. she was a force to be reckoned with at 4'11". yet a generation later my grandma (her daughter-in-law) never drove a car and receded into the shell of a woman through marriage. i am honestly excited to become a mother, to have a husband one day, but i will never stop being myself or standing up for my opinions. i am sassy. the day i date a man who encourages my sassiness will be the day the heavens shout hallelujah.

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