Monday, January 30, 2012


i wish i could fix the world. 
my world. 
bibbidy bobbidy boo.

every decision makes waves. certain decisions create tsunamis.
the cataclysms of agency are endless. i wish i could still the waves crashing over those in my world so they could catch their breath. i wish i could offer a rope to toe them into safety, be a lighthouse for them to return to the shore.

life certainly is not fair and i feel helpless, rooted by cement on the sandy shore as foam crashes over my feet and they flail in the water. 

the roughest part is knowing you're drowning because of others' choices. you did not jump into the sea but were plummeted. underwater you open your eyes and barely have strength to break the surface, to swim to a shore that has been changed by the colossal waves of agency. 

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