Monday, February 20, 2012


experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.
- oscar wilde

mistakes are the portals of discovery. 
- james joyce

we are personalities in the making, limited, and grappling with things too high for us. obviously we, at very best, will make many mistakes.
- e. stanley jones

the words tumbled out of her without warning, without reason: "i'm getting attached". he stopped his persistence and they put their heads together. 
he knew. 

they both wondered aloud... if we weren't so different
but they were. 

with condensation rolling down the car windows they made eye contact in the dim light, gleaned from the street light ahead. he was protective, and sweet. she was scared and vulnerable. they laughed  as the minutes and hours passed, talking. just talking. so close she could taste him. 
then they kissed. 

it was not new, but she cried. 
because it was a mistake.

his lips turned down and he frowned in an exasperated way. he brushed the curls away from her cheek while searching her face, trying to meet her brown forlorn eyes as soft sobs escaped her lips and wet his shirt.

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