Friday, February 24, 2012


time seemed to move impossibly slow. december felt like a decade. january seems to be endless. 

and suddenly, i feel like i'm living my life again. 
the weeks rush past. i blink away the days. 

i use to count the time since the end, but in the wake of healing time shifted to account the future. 

in one week's time, i will be soaring {and hopefully sleeping} over the atlantic ocean to a land far, far away.  to germany i go! there i will see my sister, brother-in-law, and their babies! and potentially get fat from a whole lot of european food. i can hardly wait.

in just two months i'll be road trippin' it to portland with my girls to see coldplay. yes, chris martin, i'm coming just for you. play 'the scientist', please? just for me. 

anticipation is a portion of the greatness the future holds. 
knowing adventure lies ahead... well, that is what makes life worth living. worth breathing.

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