Tuesday, June 15, 2010

for now...

i have so much to say!
but there is not enough time in the day with finals soon approaching.
as in, tomorrow.

i'm trying to master some self-control here.

after thursday i shall write of my
adventures in seattle
the heaven sent food!
pike's market
the beach... oh, the beach

the splendid apology lunch
plus much laughter
the male brain {a book i read on my trip}

plus things on the tip of my tongue that i haven't quite figured out yet.
like men and love and dreams and fears {all of which correlate mysteriously}

but for now, i must do a bazillion things to prepare myself for the next 2 days.

1 comment:

Ali said...

So, that bazillion popped out at me and for just a second I thought it said bRaziliAn and I thought you were going to talk about waxing. haha! Good luck with finals!