Friday, November 5, 2010

deja vu. wait, didn't i just say that?

déjà vu is a strange phenomenon.

our dear 'ol wikipedia asserts déjà vu as:

the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously.
accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity,
 and also a sense of "eeriness," "strangeness," or "weirdness,". 

it's not a typical occurrence for me, this weirdness.
but within the last two weeks... 

last week i was sitting at work when a familiar co-worker asked me to make a sign for a product i never had before, and FLASHBACK, i'm re-living a dream from 3 years ago.
or yesterday i was munching on chick-fil-a with my momma when her words struck a rapid thought pattern and BAM i knew i had been there before. 

not to say i have premonitions, but on the rare occasion i do get deja vu, i have this feeling envelop me that something significant is about to change. 
i have no idea what.
but based upon previous experience, my deja vu-esque feeling is highly correlated with change. 

i wonder what it will be... intriguing or mundane, exhilarating or mortifying. . . the possibilities are endless. hopefully my patience will be, too. 

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