Tuesday, November 23, 2010

how to save a life

between the lines of fear and blame
you begin to wonder why you came.
where did i go wrong? i lost a friend. 
somewhere along in the bitterness. 
i would have stayed up with you all night
had i known how to save a life.

my own personal medical knowledge comes from grey's anatomy and discussions round the dinner table with a nurse {mom} and doctor {brother}-- more second-hand than hands-on training.
and yet while i don't {really} know how to perform a hemispherectomy beyond my own snooping in research, i am excellent at performing the postmortem.

no expert at analyzing brain tissue, i am a professional of retrospectively abstracting my life-- inspecting the culprit of my many inadequacies and the neuroanatomy of reasons culminating in where i am. right this very instant.  

time and time again i come back to: "where did i go wrong?"
because i blame myself.  it's always me that is not enough of whatever it is the situation calls for. 
if i were more ________ then ________.
if i weren't _______ then ________. 
the postmortem can be vicious, to say the least.

my wonderful friend sent me a link to this, as i was hosting my own pity-party:

you mustn’t perform an endless postmortem on the relationship.
by continually asking yourself what you did wrong or what would have happened if you’d done things differently, you keep your wounded feelings alive.

i don’t believe the Lord intends you to be hurt again and again for the sake of “learning experiences.” i believe that He wants you to know the joy that comes from understanding, trusting, and loving someone in an honest, giving relationship. 

you may find that the best preparation you can make for marriage is to learn to love God and to love yourself. when you have a secure, spiritual knowledge of yourself as a child of God, you will find a sense of personal confidence and identity that makes a good relationship possible.
how to save a life
it's tricky. 
it's more than surgery and vitamins and 8 cups of water a day. 
i'm figuring out, little by little, how exactly to save my own existence of happiness
i never signed the dnr forms, so i am using extraordinary measures in loving myself. i deserve that.
enough to let go of every past boy, and to thank them for what they have taught me, even if it wasn't meant to be for the eternities. 
{huntman is still pending. i'm not letting go until he tells me to}. 

1 comment:

Rachel said...

all i can say is aw.. :) yes on the pending! becky your great and next month will be awesome! its the month of christmas! joy is anyhwere you take the time to look for it or create it, so lets do both! this new year will be great and lets just become what we want to become, boy fast?! lol december is a great month, lets not pass up the good thing for another good thing cause the really GOOD thing, is christ. Tomorrow, thanksgiving, will be great and im excited to see you new hair. "got me a new hair do, looking fresh and brand new, since you said that were through" itll be a great month and time of year! of making delicous deserts as soon as the stress of finals leave and caroling and sledding with friends. seriously, its about the ones we love RIGHT now and the others will appear when they may! gosh i love you and im glad were friends! have a great day!